Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Michigan

Now back in Michigan, I realize just how lucky I am to be here.  My flight out of Heathrow Airport was litereally the very last one that was able to take off to Detroit.  As soon as we left, terminal 4 cancelled or delayed all their subsequent flights due to the mass amount of snow that apparently hit London.  So I am quite thankful that I was able to get home on time.

This past week has been quite busy!  I was able to visit a few of my high school friends--some I haven't seen since the summer, and a few since even before then!  I've been baking Christmas cookies, talking, and visiting the Henry Ford Museum while it was all decorated--all was a lot of fun and I like doing all these Christmas-y things. 

And tomorrow is Christmas Eve!  My family will be wrapping gifts and watching Christmas movies all day, as per tradition. Then my aunt and uncle will come over in the evening and we'll all go to church together and eat a light dinner afterwards.  And we'll exchange gifts just between us then as well.  And on Christmas morning, we'll have eggs benedict for breakfast, open gifts, and later go to my aunt's house for dinner.  Yup, Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday. :)

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