Friday, December 17, 2010

I'll Be Home for Christmas

First semester is officiaIlly over.  I'm sitting in my room--it's my last night in London before Christmas.  And I'm thinking how surreal it is that I am leaving half my life in London and taking the other half to Michigan. Michigan is my home, but I've found that I use the word "home" to describe a lot of places in this world.  Of course, my family home in Sylvan Lake I call home.  I call Alma home.  I consider a few of my high school friends' houses home.  And now, I find myself calling my flat in London home as well.  I like that I have so many places that I can call home.

This past week was very nice.  I went to St. Paul's Cathedral with Callum on Wednesday--the last place I wanted to visit on my list of places to go for first semester.  I went Christmas shopping with Reena on Thursday and out to dinner with her and two of her friends from her course to celebrate the end of first semester.  Today I slept in quite late, did some last minute errands, cleaned my room, did some laundrey, and packed.  This fluffy stuff, preparing to go home and see family and friends I haven't seen in a long time, always gets me into that Christmas-y spririt.  It even snowed last night and actually stuck to the ground this time.  I love Christmas time--I'm a bit of a sucker for all the warm-fuzziness and cliches that go with it.  Call me an idealist, but I think it is important to keep up traditions to make the holidays special.  I'm looking forward to going to church Christmas Eve, eating eggs benedict on Christmas morning, visiting friends as much as possible, making every minute of Christmas break count.  Perhaps it is because I watch too many holiday movies, but I still think this time of year is when we can catch our breath in the midst of our crazy schedules and appreciate what and who we have in our lives.

Studying for my classes, adjusting to city life, meeting and making friends with some really great people, and exploring as much as I can--I have learned so much this first semester.  And while I am  going to love being back in Michigan for the next month, and am very much looking forward to all that second semester will bring!

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