Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Year, New Semester

I am now back in London, ready for second semester...or at least I think I'm ready for second semester.  In theory, I will have plenty of time for three classes and an internship.  I've planned, I've organized, I've hopefully all that prep will prove to be right!  Tomorrow starts what is going to be one of the longest weeks ever.  Why did I schedule my flight to arrive the morning before classes start?  I am going to be a jet-lag zombie!  But a smart jet-lag zombie, because I read the first 4 chapters of James Joyce's Ulysses and an article on the history of critical theory.  Somewhere in my sleepy brain is the capacity for greatness!!  Or at least comprehension of what we'll be discussing in classs tomorrow.  :)

My flight back was quite nice.  No one sat in the seat next to me, so I got to stretch out and capitalize on the extra pillow/blanket combo Delta supplies.  It was relatively quiet, despite the baby sitting two rows in front of me and a child that reminded me of Augustus Gloop from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 

Callum met me at the airport.  It was nice to have a friendly familiar face to look this time around.  But the flight did take a little bit of a toll on me and my luggage.  Having just gotten over an ear infection, my ears couldn't "pop" like they normally do when you come down for the landing.  Though it didn't really hurt too much, when I spoke I sounded to myself like I was underwater.  But thankfully my ears have slowly returned back to normal pressure.  My luggage on the other hand...didn't fare so well.  Yes, my medium wheel-y suitcase has been through alot.  It suffered through a flight to Kansas for an alternative break where one of the "feet" began to get loose.  Then it came with me to Scotland, where it got lugged around from bus ride to bus ride as we toured, acquiring a few bruises and stains to the cloth covering.  Most recently that loose foot completely fell off in the middle Marylebone Road somewhere when I went home for Christmas.  Now, that bag has a cracked handle and a busted zipper seam.  Both my other two sizes of suitcases--all a part of the same set--are perfectly fine and durable.  But this one seems to have just plain bad luck! 

Now I am sitting in my room, all unpacked and ready for tomorrow, eating some spaghetti.  Though I do miss home still, it is nice to be back!

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